Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Renewable Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Renewable Energy - Essay Example Hydropower has a significant role to play in the advancement of renewable energy around the globe, with a majority of nations relying on it to some extent in the generation of energy (Kaygusuz, 2009). This energy source is environment friendly and produces negligible greenhouse gases. In addition, a system is striking in its cost-effectiveness since it converts 95% of energy inherent in the moving water into electric energy. Compared to sources like fossil fuels, which produce 60% efficiency, the potential for hydroelectric power is enormous. Hydropower was first used by ancient generations for the driving of wheels to make work easier. Over generations, the energy source evolved and was finally utilized for the generation of electricity, with authorities being struck by its renewable nature. The energy source only utilized the flowing water’s energy to produce electricity without decimating the water supply. This was especially significance since the water sources were the lifeline of the populations living along them and down-stream to them (Kaygusuz, 2009). Its development was aided by human’s need to find an energy source that was not decimated over time. Most energy sources at the time were used in large quantities that were obviously not sustainable in the occurrence that technology either remained on its course, or increased to require more energy. The greenhouse gas emitting nature of fossil fuels is the other factor that greatly affected the development of this source. Hydropower showed excellent po tential in the cutting of these gases (Kaygusuz, 2009). Hydropower has come a long way to provide one fifth of the world’s power requirements (Kaygusuz, 2009). These projects were started in rural areas since estimates showed that the world’s rural population would grow by 95%. The highest demand was also forecasted to come from developing countries, which have been highly receptive of the energy. This was driven by the fact that the energy source was not liable to market fluctuations. Most governmental authorities around the world have turned to this energy source due to its combination of water management and its renewable nature. 2. Biomass Use as a Transitional Strategy for a Sustainable and Clean Energy System The greatest factor that made biogas desirable was its contribution to development that was desirable. Its attractiveness was further enhanced by low cost for conversion of resources into usable energy, as well as the availability of the resources, which was local. This made the energy source secure, thus desirable (Kaygusuz & Keles, 2009). Its usefulness in rehabilitation of degraded land via the use of exhausted resources as manure also led to most governmental

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